Other Options for College Credit
National & Local Evaluations of Training

American Council on Education (ACE)
ACE assesses non-collegiate instructional programs to provide credit recommendations. If you participated in a course through an organization that was evaluated by ACE, you can request a copy of your transcript from that organization. If those credit recommendations are equivalent to a course in your community college's program, you may be eligible for credit.
PA Students Occupationally and Academically Ready (SOAR)
PA SOAR prepares students for college and careers in high priority occupations. If you have participated in an approved SOAR program through your Pennsylvania high school's Career and Technical Education Program, you may receive credit for skills learned toward a certificate or degree. Visit CollegeTransfer.Net to see how your credits may be accepted - or to learn more about the Program.
National College Credit Recommendation Service (NCCRS) & NOCTI
Formerly known as PONSI, NCCRS collaborates with NOCTI (National Occupational Competency Testing Institute) to evaluate non-collegiate training and education programs for college credit equivalencies. Experienced industry experts and professors evaluate the rigor of the NOCTI assessments to translate the content into college credit equivalencies.
Non-Credit to Credit/Industry Certifications
Industry Certifications earned through non-credit courses can create a pathway to additional certificates or a degree. For example, Cisco CCNA, Network +, and Microsoft are just a few of the many other certifications that link to a more advanced course of study, saving the you time and money toward their degree. By continuing on the pathway to a certificate or degree program, your training responds to the expectation of the workplace. Each milestone achieved in education adds to career advancement and learning potential. Click here to see examples of non-credit to credit options offered at participating Colleges.